What makes a face attractive and we do we have the preferences we do? Emergence of preferences early in development and cross-cultural agreement on attractiveness challenge a long-held view that our preferences reflect arbitrary standards of beauty set by cultures. Averageness, symmetry, and sexual dimorphism are good candidates for biologically based standards of beauty. A critical review and meta-analyses indicate that all three are attractive in both male and female faces and across cultures. Theorists have proposed that face preferences may be adaptations for mate choice because attractive traits signal important aspect of mate quality, such as health. Others have argued that they may simply be by-product of the way brains process information. Although often presented as alternatives, Rhodes (2006) argue that both kinds of selection pressures may have shaped our perceptions of facial beauty. In her study, Rhodes (2006) concluded that averageness, symmetry, and sexual dimorphism are attractive in both male and female faces.
It is important to consider, however, that Van Dongen’s meta-analysis overall study results, after accounting for bias, found
that there was a significant effect of visible asymmetry on visual
attractiveness ratings (r=.15 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.07-0.23). This degree of effect size is typically categorized as
small/medium. What that means is that a person of average attractiveness
suddenly became more symmetric (by the typical amount of variation in
symmetry found in human faces naturally) would now be rated more
attractive than 62 percent of other people.
Another way to illustrate this degree of change is via a beauty rating
scale. For ease of estimation, imagine an 8-point rating scale (from
0-8) that is normally distributed with 4 as the average, typical score.
This degree of change would take the average person’s rating from a 4 to
a 4.3. On this same scale, a person who is in all other respects rated
average for attractiveness, but who had an exceptionally high degree of
symmetry, would likely be rated a 5 rather than a 4 (this degree of
symmetry is expected only in about 1/1000 people. It is important to
note that for the illustrations above to hold, the changes in symmetry
must be visible. Van Dongen’s meta analysis found no relationship
between attractiveness ratings and the symmetry measures of features
that are not visible to the person doing the rating. The findings are: visible asymmetries are more important to attractiveness ratings than are non visible asymmetries F1,37=7.55 (p=.01); funnel plot analyses indicate a substantial publication bias in the literature; and studies with large sample sizes show a near zero relationship between attractiveness ratings and asymmetry F1,36=6.97 (p=.01).
Rhodes, G. (2006). The evolutionary psychology of facial beauty. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 57, 199-226.
Dongen, S. (2011). Associations between asymmetry and human
attractiveness: Possible direct effects of asymmetry and signatures of
publication bias. Annals of Human Biology. 38 (3), 317-323.
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